Sunday, January 24, 2010

To Amacueca and back...

So, we left at 5:00AM towards Amacueca. It was the funniest thing hiking in the dark. I have never done that.  We did have flashlights and all, but there wasn't really any need for them just to move out of the way for passing cars. Like about 5:45AM we arrived to the entrance to the sierra. We wen't hiking through the woods in the dark.

At about 7:15AM there was enough light so I could take this video. We've been hiking for about 2 hours now.

We stopped at about 8:30AM to take a quick rest. There I had an orange and an apple and drank some very much needed water. The climate was changing here so I took off my thermals and my vest. I later put on my vest again because of it's very handy pockets.

We started decent at about 9:30AM. The view from up above, down to the rest of the place was incredible. Once we were down a bit more it started to get even more hot and arid. The pine forest changed into cacti and hot dirt.

We got there at a good time at about 11:00AM, it was scheduled that we would arrive in the afternoon. But we got there safe and sound but tired.

Here are more pictures of the hike.


Joe Cortes said...

Hi Og
Nice post man, the whole hiking scene sounds really fun, pure fresh air all the time right?

Og Ramos said...

Sup Joe! How have you been?
Hiking scene? Hahaha! And yes pure fresh air all the time.

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